Thursday, August 28, 2008

Search Engine Optimisation

Employ a Search Engine Optimiser, a specialist who makes sure that the relevant words and phrases appear in the best positions on the pages. There are many other considerations, complicated by the engines modifying their preferences on a monthly basis. The trick is knowledge and experience. Part of the effort is to research what people are looking up. We pay for access to a database listing over 350 million searches carried out over the last eight weeks. That way, we make sure that we are constructing the page in such a way that people will find it. There are those who try to fool search engines. If they are detected, the site will probably be penalised, either shifted down the rankings or, in many cases, removed from their listings completely. And it's worth noting, search engines all use different means to look for sites. Most read the text on the page. That's one reason you found this page. Some use meta tags although most now ignore these. Some use the description tag and some even use what is called 'alt text', the text you see when your cursor is over an image on a page. Oh, and don't forget relevant links in from related sites. Many don't like frames and dynamic pages. They can't follow the links properly so don't index frames and dynamic sites deeply.The rules are constantly changing - which is why we work full-time on them.